Friday, December 15, 2017

Take Coding Beyond the Hour

Great job participating in the worldwide movement of Hour of Code last week.  We had an amazing turnout.  Let's keep that momentum going!

I feel as educators, it is our job to open the world and prepare our students to succeed at the next level of school and in the real world.  Showing students coding is just opening another door to their future they may have not previously noticed.

Currently, has 18 different hour of code programs ranging from Star War to Minecraft to coding with Elsa and Anna. They also have programs that are for pre-readers, programs that align with algebra courses, and programs that take up to 20 hours.  There are many programs left for your students to explore.  As a teacher, I assigned my students the courses, gave them the logins, and let them learn coding when they had the availability.  It could be on the student's own time, at indoor recess, or after they finish work.  I found that the interested students would even code at home, after school, and on the weekends.  If they are interested, they will find a way!

I like how let's a teacher track the progress of each student in an interactive and visually pleasing table. See an example below:

Also, computer science is currently the number one paying job for graduates with bachelor degrees!

For more resources to inspire your students, click here!


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