Friday, January 26, 2018

The Power of Avatars

Our students want to have an online presence, but as teachers, we are scared to have their image, name, or any elements of their personal identity online.  In our need to keep our students safe, this can cause us to shy away from effective learning tools.  This is where avatars come into play.  Avatars can give your students a voice and a presence on the Internet while still protecting their identity.   Students can use their avatar as their profile picture on Google.  

Avatars can also aide student creativity.  They can create avatars

  • to go along with an original story they authored
  • help compare and contrast two presidents
  • that talk, in Voki or Blabberize, to help with reading fluency.
There are a plethora of ways to use avatars.  If you would like to know more, please let me know.  I would love to come work with you.  

The following blog has a few good avatar resources:

I would also recommend Blabberize and Voki for talking avatars.